After my surgery on December 1st, I couldn't do much creating for some time. December was not a month for being creative. Well, not artistically anyway. I did have to get creative about things like, how to get to the bathroom, how to take a bath, what I could eat....creation abounded, simply not any I could easily share, or that would really mean much to anyone but me.
I find it very hard to get started posting again after I've been away for a while. But I'm doing it!
The little bit of drawing I've done recently has taken days to do each piece, instead of completing something in one night. The slosh head feeling and migraines have not been friendly to me.
I saw on someone's blog (darn'it I can't remember who) that they tried something called Repeated Stacking Patterns they saw on
The Rainbow Elephant. So I tried my hand at it to get me started again. It has been fun.
Hope you Enjoy.
Happy New Year! Stack Design. |
This was my first Repeated Stacking Pattern,
and in a lot of ways it's still my favorite. |
First Pattern colored with Photoshop. |
Stacking Boxes....or maybe more presents!
Celebrate Christmas all year long!
I think I should color this one, looks like it'd be fun. |
Playing with my name.
Just being a kid again. |